Monday, May 25, 2009

Birthday fun!

I really wanted to catch up a little more from Alexa's birthday-- a quick snippet didn't really seem to do it justice.... we had a crazy couple of weeks around the time of her birthday (Brooks' wedding, bachelor and bachelorette party, Mark's dad's birthday, etc) so that whole time seems a little like a blur. One of the highlights for me was getting to see my mom for a little over a week to help us celebrate Alexa turning one!

On Alexa's actual birthday, her daddy got to take the day off and spend it with us! We had a lot of shopping to do for her party, so she came along for the ride. We had gotten a shirt that said 1st Birthday and bought her a Pink crown to wear-- she even wore sunglasses around! She knew she was cute!

We had a cupcake for her around 10:00 at night, so needless to say, she was pretty grumpy! We got a few good shots in before bedtime!

And the grumpiness starts...

Her actual party was the day after her birthday at her Bamma and Papa's house. I wanted to do a party for our family and close friends-- sounds pretty easy right?? Well, not when you consider Mark's family alone bring about 35 people along with it! So add in the friends and our own family and we were expecting around 50 people! It was crazy and I don't think we'll be doing it again anytime soon. We planned a luau (Mark's request) and wanted everyone to dress in the Hawaiian clothes. We had tons of food, and I made a hula girl cake. I think it turned out to be quite the success!

Dancing with Charley (her cousin)...

The cakes- one to smash, one for everyone else!

We weren't sure how Alexa would do with the cake- she hasn't ever had sugar like that before... SHE LOVED IT!!!

She was on a sugar high while opening gifts... it was pretty funny-- she couldn't get them open fast enough so she would use her feet! She got WAY too many toys, but we sure appreciate them all!

One year of precious, amazing memories down... countless more to go. I knew having a baby would change my life-- I never thought it would inspire me to be the best I can be.


Laurie said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad you updated the blog....I love all the new pics. Alexa is so cute and you, of course, are as beautiful as ever. Miss you tons.

BackDoor Primitives said...

I just went over all the pictures from the start to the last entry -- WOW how she has changed!!!!! and now she can stop growing so fast!! Isn't it amazing how much you can love someone??!! That's how much I love you and your brothers AND OF COURSE Alexa!! can't wait for TC !!!