Saturday, July 11, 2009

Impromptu trip to Ashland!

So, I haven't done much better at updating my blog, but this time, at least I have an excuse! On a whim, on June 11, Alexa and I decided to make the long drive to Ohio to see my family! Christen (Matt's fiance) was graduation from OSU and I just missed my mama! The anniversary of my dad's death is June 11, so I think that had something to do with it. Mark was working really late hours that week and had to work all weekend, so it seemed like a good time to get to Ohio!

The drive was fine, a little longer then I expected, but Alexa was not a happy traveler. She usually sleeps great in her carseat, but on this particular trip, she decided she would only be happy if she was holding my hand. I had to be a bit of a contortionist to reach her in her rear facing carseat from the driver's seat, without putting our lives in danger. I was so excited to finally make it to Ashland!

We headed down to Columbus to surprise Christen- which was very fun. She took one look at us and said "You're not supposed to be here!" It so nice to be able to see them. Matt, Christen, Mom, Alexa and I went to the Columbus Zoo, which rocked! So much better than the Atlanta Zoo! Alexa was a little cranky, so we didn't get tons of great pictures, but here are a few highlights!

Seeing the baby elephant:

Up close and personal with kangaroos:

Seeing Aunt Christe and Uncle Matt:

We got to see Uncle JT and Aunt Megan during this trip, to short of a visit with them, but nice regardless of the length. Megan and JT were expecting the birth of their son anytime (he was born Jun 28, 2009- more on that later) so we took a trip to Babies R Us to get a few last minute things.

Uncle Curt made the trip to Ashland a few days later- Alexa LOVED reading with him! They sat and looked at books for a really long time- the two of them really seem to have a special bond.

It was a bit of a short trip, but totally worth it. I can't wait to go back in a few weeks to see everyone again and to meet my nephew! I always love showing off my amazing little girl too.

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