Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crazy month...

What a month... I feel like it was just the 4th of July and here we are almost to mid-August. Wow! The month of July seemed to just fly by! Alexa went to her 15 month appointment on July 6 and we had a good report on all accounts! She had gained almost 2.5 lbs making her 19 pounds 4 oz which put her in the 5th percentile for her weight. She was off the chart for a few months, so it was good to see her back on the charts this last appointment. She only had to get one shot and handled it with minimal tears. Her sign language seems to have helped her with her language development because her doctor said she was about three months advanced with her language skills. She is growing up so fast!

As of July 6, she had about 6 words she used regularly: mama, daddy, eye, done, puppy, fish, and shoe. She had said about 18 up to that point but didn't use them with any consistently. She has continued to use her sign language (she LOVES signing "baby") so she can communicate relatively well for a 15 month old.

The latter part of July is always time for Mark's tournaments; he fishes two tournaments a year with his dad and brother on their boat "Marty R." It's a lot of work for the guys, but they love it. They didn't place this year, but they had a good time! Because of his tournaments, Alexa and I have been on our own a lot of the time. We have been having a great time reading books, playing, dancing and singing. It is hard work taking care of Alexa on my own- I realize just how much I rely on Mark to help out when he is here. Mark being away certainly helps me to appreciate him even more.

I have had a bit of health scare the past few weeks. Without going into too much detail, I have an issue going on with one of my breasts that could possibly be cancer. I have had a few tests done, and so far everything is coming back normal, but there is still a chance that it is breast cancer. It has been a harsh realization that I may have to fight something that I have no control over... and that has certainly helped me to try to trust God more then ever. Even though I still have one more year til 30, the reality of my aging body, and the various ailments that can occur with age, is scary. I know I am still young, but I realize more then ever the importance of being and staying healthy.

1 comment:

Kara and Theo said...

Oh wow, Kara! I'm so sorry! I really hope it is something that is caught early. Please keep us updated and we will definitely be praying for you.